Space Coast living has a unique benfit: we get to watch missile launches. They are always different and always impressive. Even though we're 20 miles south of Cape Canaveral we got a great view of the Delta 4 night launch on Dec-05. A great rumble really topped it off. The Delta 4 vehicle carried a WGS 3 satellite to geosynchronous orbit.
For this picture I attached a Canon 40D DSLR to my table top camera tracking mount to keep the stars from trailing during the long exposures. The missile trail was captured with a 4 minute exposure. ImagesPlus was used for most of the image processing. The constellation lines were added with Photoshop to make it easier to see the apparent path of the missile through the sky.
Delta 4 Slices the Night Sky
Posted by Rick Young 0 comments
Milky Way Star Clouds
Posted by Rick Young 0 comments
Labels: Milky Way Canon 40D Iowa
Posted by StrGzr Ron 0 comments
M33 Pinwheel Galaxy
Posted by Rick Young 0 comments
Labels: galaxy, M33, Pinwheel, Triangulum
M27 Dumbbell Nebula
Posted by Rick Young 0 comments
Labels: M27, Planetary Nebula
Banner Design
I want to combine some of the features of Ron's entry with some right-sized lettering to make the banner. After all, the logo won't stand alone, unless we are making T-shirts (not a bad idea). Here's a rough draft of a banner format: ...Phil
Posted by Phil Henderson 0 comments
Sept 4th Apollo Moon Party
Save the date, Friday Sept 4th 2009! For a special Apollo Landing Site Moon Party immediately following the NEW Space and Astronomy Public Lecture Series hosted by Dr. Fiorella Terenzi.
What: Apollo Landing Site Moon Party (full moon)
Set-up Time: 7:00pm
Moon Party: 8:30-10:30
Location: BCC Cocoa Planetarium & Observatory
Refreshments will be served
Lecture Info:
Sept. 4 '09 "Moon, Mars, and the Stars: The Constellation Program and the Future of Space Exploration". Panelists: Robert D. Cabana, NASA KSC Director and Astronaut; Russell Romanella, Director, International Space and Spacecraft Processing Directorate, NASA KSC; Jon Cowart, Manager Exploration Systems, NASA KSC.
Posted by Melbourne Astronomical Society 0 comments
My Final Idea
Posted by StrGzr Ron 1 comments
Posted by StrGzr Ron 0 comments
July 3rd Rain Fest
WOW - clouds everywhere - and there at the last ~ some were "leaking!"
7 scopeshow'd up at the Space Coast Stadium - and 6 set up. (There was ONE real smart astronomer among us!!! lol)
THANX TO ALL WHO CAME OUT - 'your effort was appreciated!'
Posted by StrGzr Ron 0 comments
Website updates
Hi, All:
Posted by Matt Wood 0 comments
Hello all ... I got sign'p up, now if I can only figure this all out ... (ha,ha)
Great Meeting Friday evening - and "Congrats to Trish" on winning the Copy Scope door prise!!! We all hope for a progress report next meeting on how your doing putting it together!!!
I stopped by Barrier Island this morning and talk'd to Donna. We're all set for the November Star Gaze
Posted by StrGzr Ron 0 comments
July 3rd MAS/BAS Star Party
What: Solar/Star Party @ Space Coast Stadium (free)
When: Friday July 3rd 2009
Time: 3:00pm - 11:00pm
Where: Space Coast Stadium Directions click here
What to bring: chairs, bug spray, red flashlights, MAS business cards, friends, family
MAS along with BAS and CFAS are hosting a star studded event at the Space Coast Stadium. It will be a night of baseball, fireworks and most important - STARS!
The Brevard Manatees are playing Daytona at the Space Coast Stadium, admission to the game is free for all members of MAS, SAS, BAS, and CFAS.
Posted by Melbourne Astronomical Society 0 comments
Labels: 7/3/09
Brevard Astronomical Society
MAS is closely tied with the Brevard Astronomical Society. We do joint Star Parties, and Join Observing Sessions.
Brevard Astronomical Society website:
Posted by Melbourne Astronomical Society 0 comments
Labels: BAS
Student Astronomical Society @ FIT
SAS is a FIT student lead organization for amateur astronomy.
From the SAS Website:
SAS is a registered club at Florida Tech and the only requirement for membership is that you must be a current Florida Tech student. The club operates during the Fall and Spring semesters, but is not operational during the Summer semesters. Normally we will have one group meeting every week followed by an observing period outside at the Big Slab Observatory (BSO). Students with interesting pictures, stories, telescopes, or anything else related to astronomy are encouraged to bring these along to show and tell at the meetings.
The Student Astronomical Society (SAS) meets jointly with the Melbourne Astronomical Society on the 4th Friday of the Month in the 2nd Floor Conference Room, at 7pm
Currently, SAS is hosting one star party every semester! The location of the star party can change depending on what we have planned for that night, but it will normally be on campus or at one of the nearby beaches. SAS star parties can include anything from lunar eclipses to planetary observing or even meteor showers.
Their website is here:
Their current projects are:
Solar System Scale Model
This is SAS's current primary project. We are working on creating a scale model of the solar system on campus. This will include a representation of the Sun (located on the Residence Quad) and the now eight planets (with Neptune located near Harris Village).
We are now working on creating a proposal to submit and present to the University. This will inlcude budget and design, among other information.
Telescope Restoration
SAS just restored a 16" telescope! It's huge and works great for viewing stars. Come to the BSO after the meetings and we'll hopefully have a clear night to set it up.
Posted by Melbourne Astronomical Society 0 comments
Labels: SAS
MAS Official Website
Click here to go to the Official MAS Website :
Posted by Melbourne Astronomical Society 0 comments
Labels: official website
Meetings 4th Friday of Every Month
MAS meets @ Florida Institute of Technology in the Physical Sciences building, on the second floor in the conference room - directly across from the elevator.
Any person interested in Amateur Astronomy is invited to come out and join us.
We discuss current astronomy news, star parties, and upcoming events/projects.
We are closely tied with the Student Astronomical Society and the Brevard Astronomical Society.
Posted by Melbourne Astronomical Society 0 comments
Labels: meetings